Monthly Archives: August 2019

Everything You Are: Camilla Rega

World, meet Camilla Rega. A scientist and postdoctoral training fellow at the Institute of Cancer Research, Camilla’s days are spent investigating breast cancer in a laboratory. But not one to put a limit on what she can achieve, she can be also be found in the dance studio, expressing herself through classical ballet. Here’s her story.



What does a typical day look like for you?

I go to the lab around 9:30-10am, but not without having had a massive breakfast first – I’m Italian so every meal must be enjoyed and made with love. My working day finishes around 6:30pm and after that, I get home for a snack. I usually do ballet twice a week, weekends too if possible. My body needs it! On weekends, I also tend to go out with friends to catch up and relax but sometimes I go to the lab for experiments.



Tell us about your passion…

I was three years old when I started dancing. I’d seen my older sister perform and fell in love with the costumes, the choreography and the music. I immediately wanted to start the year after and so I began to dance even though I was so little! Dancing feels like being in another world. Far away from everything. There is only your soul dancing through your body.




What have you learned from ballet?

Ballet has deeply shaped my personality. The dance world is tough. You have to make a lot of sacrifices but it’s worth it in the end. The take-home message is that to get things done, you have to be committed to it!


What makes you feel like you?

I like wearing simple accessories during ballet, like stud earrings, delicate rings, and fine necklaces. At weekend, I love wearing more eccentric jewellery with pared-back outfits.



Talk us through your style…

My look is super simple during my work days (comfy and clean for the lab!), and more elegant and chicer when I go out. I tend to wear silver accessories in wintertime and gold during summer (it looks better with a tan!) but it depends on what I wear.


What surprises people about you?

That I’m a scientist as well as a ballet dancer.


What advice would you give to your younger self?

You are living your own life, follow your dreams and fight for them!


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Everything You Are: Sharon Hoyos-Martinez

Everything You Are: Steph Tress

Everything You Are: Miriam Zouhou

Everything You Are



Everything You Are: Sharon Hoyos-Martinez

Meet Sharon Hoyos-Martinez. Football enthusiast and all-round go-getter, Sharon lives life outside of the box by being true to herself. Whether commanding the football pitch or the dance floor, she proves that life can be as multi-faceted as you are.


What does a typical day look like for you?

I currently work in business administration at a sports law company. My job involves staying up-to-date with all the current sports news, so this definitely motivates me to keep active and healthy as I read up daily on inspiring athletes and their incredible stories. In the evening, I will either have football training, strength and conditioning training at the gym, boxing training (for my upcoming charity fight) or yoga. I like to mix my exercise up and not stick to one main sport because this causes injury, so I like to keep it varied to activate all parts of my body also because I get bored easily. If I’m not training, I’m probably socialising with friends (we usually catch up over a meal as I’m a huge foodie!) or going to gigs together.


Tell us about your passion…

I started playing football when I was about six years old. Just at school, it was something that I was naturally drawn to. I think I had a lot of energy and sports was the best way to release it. I used to be the only girl playing. I’d arrive at school early just to play. After playing at a decent level, I didn’t have enough support or opportunity to continue, and eventually ended up coaching around the world with Arsenal. This was an invaluable experience that showed me how influential football, and sport in general, can be, wherever you may come from. Then, I came back to London to study International Football Business and graduated with a first-class honours degree.



How does football make you feel?

Now that I look back, I realise football made me feel free. It allowed me to express myself creatively on the pitch both physically and mentally. I realised it was a form of escapism from reality, when I was playing or training, I was solely focused on the present, nothing else matters at least for that hour or two. Don’t get me wrong – it can be very frustrating when you don’t win or perform at your best but that’s all part of it. You learn to bounce back. Playing in a team is something I really enjoy; you’re constantly striving for a goal together and this makes you feel part of something important.



Talk us through your style…

Original, mix of classic and new. London street, sporty chic. I usually dress for the occasion, I enjoy glamming up too, but if it’s not me, I won’t wear it. I think you are able to see both my feminine and tomboy nature in the way I dress. During weekdays, I can’t really wear jewellery because of training but on the weekend, you’ll probably catch me with like six rings and three necklaces!


What makes you feel like you?

I love accessories: hats, sunglasses and jewellery. I love details and think one item makes an outfit. I feel naked without my rings, and on a night out you’ll probably catch me wearing hoops – classic Latina. I love music and I am quite varied when it comes to genres. Dancing salsa really makes me feel alive. I grew up waking up to noise and music (my family is Colombian) so it’s a big part of me. Growing up in London, I’m also into hip-hop and grime and love working out to hype music – I get so gassed. Give me great music, sport and food and I’m a happy Shaz.



What advice would you give to your younger self?

Enjoy the process, enjoy the journey. Don’t care what others say or think. Authenticity is everything and being your truest self is the best way to shine.


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Everything You Are: Steph Tress

Everything You Are: Miriam Zouhou

Everything You Are


Everything You Are: Steph Tress

Showing us there’s more to an #Accessorizer than meets the eye, professional cellist Steph Tress expresses herself not only through her music but also through her personal sense of style. Welcome to her world…


What’s a typical day like for you?

There’s no such thing as a typical day in my life. I tend to be in different places each week and my schedule varies but obviously, I spend a lot of time playing the cello! Sometimes this means practising at home (in my pyjamas) and often rehearsing with other people. I have a string quartet and we get together for a few days of intensive rehearsal most weeks. Sometimes I spend the day recording in the studio while on others, I teach cello. On some evenings, I also perform in concerts.



Tell us about your passion…

I started playing the cello when I was six. Now, people are definitely interested when they see me travelling around with my cello. I’m often asked what instrument I’m carrying on the train or bus, usually followed by “it’s bigger than you!” (for the record, I’m 5’1”). It’s hard to know for certain what I’ve gained from playing the cello other than the enjoyment because I’ve been doing it for so long. But playing with other people requires sensitivity and the ability to really listen which I hope are skills I have outside of playing music too. Being freelance, I also have to be organised and super-motivated – it doesn’t come naturally so that is something I’ve had to learn!

What makes you feel like you?

I really love performing. Partly it’s just the joy of the music but I also think there’s an intensity of concentration that I get when I’m performing that I don’t really get in another situation. And I’ll be honest, I do enjoy getting lots of compliments after a concert!




How would you describe your style?

I like wearing a simple outfit with big earrings and a nice necklace. I’m not afraid to wear bold patterns and colour. I normally wear gold-based jewellery but often for concerts, I wear silver-toned metals because it’s more visible and sparkly on stage! On a night out, I always have to wear big earrings. Maybe that’s because I usually wear smaller earrings for concerts or teaching so it’s quite nice to feel glamorous.




How would your close friends and family describe you?

Hopefully, loyal, ambitious, hardworking and fun on a night out!

What advice would you give to your younger self?

Worry less, and worry less about worrying…





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Everything You Are: Miriam Zouhou

Everything You Are

Everything You Are: Miriam Zouhou

Meet Miriam Zouhou, England boxer and sports science student at the University of Birmingham. Defining herself in more ways than one, Miriam lets us into life in the boxing ring, as well as everything else that has made her into who she is….



Tell us about your passion…

I’ve always been sporty as a child. Then I heard about a boxing club near my house and that it would be good to keep fit. I’d always thought boxing was for boys and it was aggressive. When I went to the gym, everything changed. I realised I was ignorant to what the sport offers and I fell in love with it. Boxing makes me feel strong, determined and like I can achieve whatever I put my mind to. Some days are tough, but you get through them. It’s impossible to put into words.


What are people’s reactions when they find out that you’re a boxer?

Most people are surprised. They say, you’re too pretty or too small to be a boxer. Or they ask multiple times, “What, like real boxing? Do you get hit in the face?!”.



What do you think you have gained or learnt from boxing?

It has given me confidence; if you can get in that ring then you can do anything. There aren’t many things that are tougher than stepping through the ropes. It had made me independent as you have to do a lot on your own. It has given me a second home and a second family.


What makes you feel like you?

I always wear a small pair of studs or tiny hoop earrings (though I lose a pair almost every week). I like to wear a small necklace as well, although I have to take these off when sparring. The boxing club is where I feel the most comfortable, and buzz you get when you’re in the ring is one you can’t describe. When you’re fighting, I hear nothing but my coach, it’s like you’re in a bubble. I also like going to the pub with my friends, or spending time with my family, listening to music, and having a dance.


How would you describe your style?

My style is quite simple and practical, I like wearing jumpsuits and jeans with Converse day-to-day. Nothing too stand-out, though I do like having some bright colours.


How does your look change?

I usually carry a bigger bag or rucksack in the week to carry all my stuff but on the weekends, I carry a small bag big enough for essentials. I do love to dress up in a sparkly dress and heels when I get the chance, though it doesn’t happen enough!



How would your close friends and family describe you?

Hardworking, funny, helpful, moody and exasperating! They’d also say that I don’t give up on things until they’re finished.


What surprises people about you?

That I can be so “scary” in the ring when my personality is so “sunny”.


What advice would you give to your younger self?

Don’t sweat the small stuff and always have a positive attitude. And to remember that everyone makes mistakes.



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Everything You Are

Everything You Are

At Accessorize, we’re celebrating Everything You Are. For the you that takes centre stage. Doing what you do best. But also for the sides of you that people don’t always see.  Here’s to being different, unique and challenging perceptions in those everyday moments. Here’s to being authentically you. As part of our new campaign, we’re meeting four unique #Accessorizers who are proud to be who they are. Here are their stories.




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National Sisters Day Q&A with Sinead & Lauren Crowe

To celebrate National Sisters Day (5th August 2019), we’ve caught up with bloggers and biological BFFs Sinead and Lauren Crowe to talk all things siblings, style and Spice Girl dance routines…


Sum up your relationship in three words…

Sinead: She’s my bestie.

Lauren: True soul mates!


What’s the best thing about having a sister?

Lauren: Nothing compares to the bond you have with a sister; you can trust and rely on best friends or partners but until you have a sister you never know the next level of having somebody who’s totally there for you! Having a sister so close in age makes us best friends too.

Sinead: Always having someone on your side and someone you can bounce ideas off or talk to when you’re down or if someone upsets you. Someone you know that will always be there for you through the highs and lows. And stealing her amazing clothes!

What’s your favourite memory together?

Sinead: We used to make full-on, hour-long plays with Spice Girl dances and make our whole family sit down whilst we performed for them. I feel so sorry for my older sisters as they were teenagers at the time and must have hated it!

Lauren: As children we were partners in crime so it would be too hard to choose! As an adult it’s amazing that we do the same and get to experience so many incredible things together.


You both have a day off – how would you spend it together?

Sinead: Definitely lunch in my favourite place in Stamford, the Orangery Restaurant in Burghley House – it’s beautiful!

Lauren: A day off doesn’t really exist with us! When we are together, we always get more inspired by each other and can’t help but want to take pictures. My ideal day off is a day by the pool or beach but Sinead’s is probably a day at home with a puzzle!

How would you describe each other’s style?

Lauren: Sinead is a pro at making the high street look luxury! She’s the queen of effortlessly cool and simple style. She always manages to pull off super-casual looks and somehow look smart whereas I always think, “if I wore that I’d look like I’m off to decorate a house!”. But she pulls it off so well.

Sinead: Lauren’s a style chameleon. I love the silky fabrics she wears, and she has the most amazing range of Realisation Par dresses! But then she’ll also rock wide-leg jeans and a boyfriend t shirt; if she sees something and wants to wear it she will, she reminds me a bit of Carrie Bradshaw in that way.

If you could steal one piece from each other’s wardrobe what would you take?

Lauren: Sinead’s wardrobe is about eight times the size of mine so it’s really hard to choose, but how could I not grab all the Chanel and run?

Sinead: That’s a tough one. Probably her Louis Vuitton backpack or her daisy-print dress from Realisation Par. If I couldn’t choose, I’d just put the dress in the bag and make a run for it!


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